Sunday 9AM & 11AM | Wednesday 7PM

Mission | Vision | Values

The Mission

We are committed to communicating God’s love and plan for people and making disciples through His Word.

The Vision

We are a community of people responding to the Gospel, living in freedom, and growing in the
grace of God.

Core Values


We believe the Bible is the most important text in existence and a valuable tool given to Jesus’ disciples. Every week, chapter by chapter, verse by verse, we explore God’s dynamic written Word.

2 TIMOTHY 3:16-17| JOSHUA 1:8 | PSALM 119:11 & 119:105| DEUTERONOMY 11:18-23


Because God is so amazing, we live to worship Him. One way we do this is through music. We begin every service with a time of singing praises to our King.

ROMANS 12:1 | 1 CHRONICLES 16:23-31 | PSALM 29 | PSALM 99 | HEBREWS 12:28-29


Jesus prayed throughout His time on earth, and taught us to do the same. God wants to have a personal relationship with every one of us. We pray together at each of our gatherings and encourage cultivating personal prayer lives.

MATTHEW 6:5-13 | JAMES 5:13 | 1 JOHN 5:14-15 | 2 CHRONICLES 7:14 | EPHESIANS 6:18 | PHILIPPIANS 4:6 | COLOSSIANS 4:2


God is committed to families and so we are too. We support the family unit as well as the church family — young and old, married and single, and those who have undergone separation and loss. We are all called to live in community together, and to grow into one big glorious family of God.

2 CORINTHIANS 6:18 | JOHN 1:12-13 | ROMANS 8:15-17 | GALATIANS 3:26 & 4:4-7 | 1 JOHN 3:1


We are all called to live on mission. We support local and overseas missionaries with our prayers and our finances, and we organize mission trips for youth and adults alike throughout the year. We also want to equip people to love others in their workplaces, schools, homes, and neighborhoods.

MATTHEW 22:35-40 & 28:18-20 | ACTS 1:8 | LUKE 10:25-37

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